Saturday, July 9, 2016

Long Run/Sunday

Awesome job for our first long run and our 1st week is officially complete. Solid job lady bucs

If you missed it here is what we did today and your plan for tomorrow. See everyone Monday at 7:30 @ RBR! This week we will introduce the weight room.

Newcomers: 40 minutes 
Returners: 50 minutes
Varsity Returners: 55 minutes
All should do 45 seconds intervals of core and ab routine. Change it up from what we normally do. 

Everyone should do either a 25 minute recovery run or a 35 minute cross train. This means bike, row, elliptical, or swim. The cross train is my preference if you have access to the equipment.

Tip of day: On a rainy day save your running shoes by placing a paper towel or newspaper in the them to help dry them out after your run.

Current Alumni Running in College

Lauren Sapone - Dartmouth- (DI)
Marissa Albano - Delaware - (DI)
Charlotte Cochrane - Michigan University (DI)
Edith Torres - UMBC - (DI)
Kristen Haynes - Wake Forrest - (DI)
Shea Cody - Pace - (DII)