Tuesday, July 5, 2016

First Workout and Wednesday Plans

Great attendance for the first day of XC. It was great to see so many familiar faces and to meet all the new runners.

If you missed it here is what we did today and your plan for tomorrow. See everyone Thursday at 7:30 @ RBR. 

Newcomers: 30 minutes or 3 miles - whichever comes first
Returners: 35 minutes. -All should do 30 seconds intervals of core and ab routine.

Newcomers: 20 minutes or 2 miles - whichever comes first.
Returners: 40 minutes - All should do 35 seconds intervals of core and abs.

The pace for Wednesday should be a little faster than today. You should be able to talk to someone, but should not want to hold a full conversation.

Tip of day: Try to drink nothing but water as a runner. Drink about half your body weight in fl. oz per day.

Current Alumni Running in College

Lauren Sapone - Dartmouth- http://www.dartmouthsports.com (DI)
Marissa Albano - Delaware - http://www.bluehens.com/ (DI)
Charlotte Cochrane - Michigan University (DI)
Edith Torres - UMBC - http://www.umbcretrievers.com/ (DI)
Kristen Haynes - Wake Forrest - http://www.wakeforestsports.com/ (DI)
Shea Cody - Pace - http://www.paceuathletics.com/ (DII)