Tuesday, August 9, 2016


For those that couldn't make it here is your workout and Wednesday's plan.  If you haven't already done so make sure you have given your parent's email address to either Claire or Kristen so our team parents can start organizing pasta parties and post race snacks.

Please remember we are adding Friday to our workout days from this point forward.

All-  50 push ups, squats, and your lunges matrix (sets of 6) or make it weight room to lift.

3 x 8 bench, 3 x 12 calf raises, 3 x 8 Tricep extension, 3 x 10 kettlebell squats

Finish with 4 x 200 , a 25 minute tempo run and 1 minute of core and abs.

Wednesday - Choice day
1. 40 Minute run with 4 strides (2 backwards) - pace should be conversational meaning you can comfortably talk to a running partner.
2. 40 Minute cross train
3. Rest Day

Tip of the day: Runners who don't get 8 hours of sleep per day are 1.7 times more likely to get injured. So get to bed at a good hour BUCS! 

Current Alumni Running in College

Lauren Sapone - Dartmouth- http://www.dartmouthsports.com (DI)
Marissa Albano - Delaware - http://www.bluehens.com/ (DI)
Charlotte Cochrane - Michigan University (DI)
Edith Torres - UMBC - http://www.umbcretrievers.com/ (DI)
Kristen Haynes - Wake Forrest - http://www.wakeforestsports.com/ (DI)
Shea Cody - Pace - http://www.paceuathletics.com/ (DII)