By Catherine Wimmer:
My experience at Cross Country University camp this summer has been one of the greatest weeks of my life. Prior to this camp, I have never been to a camp where the main focus was to make you a better runner both physically and mentally, as well as bond with your team. As a result, I went into this camp super excited because not only was I going to be able to run twice a day, but also get to spend 6 consecutive days with my teammates out in the Pocono mountains.
One reason why this camp was so great was the fact that it was run by some of the most amazing counselors and staff I have ever met. From the moment we stepped inside the door, we were treated like family by our counselors that were assigned to our cabin. Leaving us little, individual gifts and going out of their way to find us red puff paint to decorate our t-shirts, they boosted our moods and inspired us to bring the same positive energy back to our team. In addition, Coach Schlentz, who ran the whole camp, as well as some other counselors were always there to correct your running form, answer questions, offer guidance, tell jokes, and inspire you from the moment you stepped into the camp.
Furthermore, this camp was truly special because of the running environment of the camp, in other words, it was a runner’s paradise. There was an unlimited amount of time to roll, stretch, and ice. This allowed us to take good care of our bodies and figure out what we needed in terms of recovering from tough workouts/runs. All around the campus, there was a variety of activities anywhere from tennis courts, to gaga pits, to hockey rinks, to soccer fields, to volleyball courts and more. All these activities helped to satisfy the naturally competitive spirit of the runners at the camp while allowing us to have fun and bond with our teammates. In addition, we had the chance to go to three, different, beautiful trails, and not only did we get to run in the morning, but also later in the afternoon! If we were feeling a little sore or tired, there was an alternative option instead of running called aqua jogging. During aqua jogging, we would jam out to the pool speakers and talk amongst ourselves while working out. After this second run/aqua jog was arguably the best part of the day: a half an hour session of either core and abs, yoga, or zumba. Prior to this camp, I had never even heard of zumba but now I would do it every day if I had the opportunity. Who wouldn’t want to practice their dance moves with their friends while getting in a good workout and jamming to their favorite music?
Finally, this camp was able to leave us a with a lasting impression. Throughout the camp we were motivated by other runners to eat well, run one more mile, complete 45 more seconds of core and abs and more. Guest speakers told us stories that inspired us and left us with a positive energy that we were eager to bring back home. In addition, going to the dance, watching the talent show, and participating in the team olympics reminded us that throughout all of our hard work we needed to ensure that we were having fun. In the end, seeing all these amazing runners and athletes around us made our team realize that maybe if we pushed a little harder, ate a little healthier and slept a little more we could be as good as them if not better. As a result, my teammates and I can only start this cross country season very optimistic and ready for the many races ahead of us.