Thursday, October 5, 2017

Banquet Information and Shore Coaches

First let me say congrats one more time on becoming Shore Conference A-Central Champions. The things you accomplish week to week never stop to amaze me.

Here are the assignments for this weekends Shore Coaches Invitation at Holmdel Park.

Varsity - 3:10
JV - 12:45
Freshman - 1:20

·         There is NO SPECTATOR PARKING at Holmdel Park or on local streets
o   Handicap parking is permitted in the park
o   ALL spectators must park at VONAGE parking lots and take the

FREE shuttle to and from the park. (Follow parking signs)

Banquet information

I can't believe it either but the end of season is near. Right now the end of season banquet is in the process of being finalized for Tuesday, November 14th, @ 6:30 at Nauvoo in Fair Haven. This is a night for the team to celebrate another successful season. The event is for PARENTS AND ATHLETES.

**Since we didn't have any home meets these year it is the juniors responsibility to collect money for senior gifts which will be presented at the banquet.**

Here are some other quick notes about the night.
  • Varsity Letters will be given out that night
  • The fee is $30 for parents and $21 for students. ALL MUST PAY IN CASH OR CHECK MADE OUT TO RBR GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY - Due by October 20th
  • It will be buffet style dinning again. If you prefer a vegetarian meal please let me know.
This information and date is being given out early so you can reserve the date in advance.

Current Alumni Running in College

Lauren Sapone - Dartmouth- (DI)
Marissa Albano - Delaware - (DI)
Charlotte Cochrane - Michigan University (DI)
Edith Torres - UMBC - (DI)
Kristen Haynes - Wake Forrest - (DI)
Shea Cody - Pace - (DII)