Here are the assignments for this weekends Shore Coaches Invitation at Holmdel Park.
Varsity - 3:10
JV - 12:45
Freshman - 1:20
There is
or on local streets
parking is permitted in the park
spectators must park at VONAGE parking lots and take the
FREE shuttle to and from the park. (Follow parking signs)
Banquet information
I can't believe it either but the end of season is near. Right now the end of season banquet is in the process of being finalized for Tuesday, November 14th, @ 6:30 at Nauvoo in Fair Haven. This is a night for the team to celebrate another successful season. The event is for PARENTS AND ATHLETES.
**Since we didn't have any home meets these year it is the juniors responsibility to collect money for senior gifts which will be presented at the banquet.**
Here are some other quick notes about the night.
- Varsity Letters will be given out that night
- The fee is $30 for parents and $21 for students. ALL MUST PAY IN CASH OR CHECK MADE OUT TO RBR GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY - Due by October 20th
- It will be buffet style dinning again. If you prefer a vegetarian meal please let me know.