Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Race season - week 2

Before I get into the rest of this week, here is the Varsity race video from this past Saturday. Sorry  JV & Frosh njmilesplit did not post your videos.

Randolph Girls Varsity B Race | Randolph Cross Country Invitational: Randolph Cross Country Invitational

NJmilesplit team username: cdesiere ... password: rbrxc17 . That username and password will give you access to view the video for one week (I will change the password soon).

Wed - Varsity only. Everyone else should take this day to rehab and rest.

Thursday- We begin with our 1st Yoga session in dance room at 3 after school, followed by either pre-race for those running Friday and weigtroom for others.

Friday- JV only race (you will be getting out of class at the beginning of 4th block so please let your teachers know now.) Varsity will be completing a long run this day.

***Make sure you are doing your recovery routine daily***


Current Alumni Running in College

Lauren Sapone - Dartmouth- http://www.dartmouthsports.com (DI)
Marissa Albano - Delaware - http://www.bluehens.com/ (DI)
Charlotte Cochrane - Michigan University (DI)
Edith Torres - UMBC - http://www.umbcretrievers.com/ (DI)
Kristen Haynes - Wake Forrest - http://www.wakeforestsports.com/ (DI)
Shea Cody - Pace - http://www.paceuathletics.com/ (DII)